Thursday, April 26, 2012

When it comes to fake people, lets just say stay the *&^% away from me. I dont have time for no liars. Because that is what you are liars. Be true to yourself and others will be true to u.


I live in  a world where people always think that  you are with someone because of their money. I mean come on now, If you knew this person was broke when you started a relationship with them, why in the world would you be with them for what they have. Evidently, you knew they were broke, so if thats the case what makes anyone say that? People are going to talk regardless, even from down to what size you need to be, what color your hair is, and if you go shopping to much. Its just the way the cookie crumbles. If people didnt run their mouth everyday, then this world would be silent. My thing is now a days, if you are born with money then you are ok, some people that have been born with a " silver spoon in their mouth:" wouldnt know what hard work was. But people who have worked for what they have already know what it is. I on the personal note prefer a man with nothing, then he knows that I dont want him for what he has, then he knows that I am not with him for money. When you work together you have more. You grow together.